Tuesday 2 May 2017

The most loyal, understanding and loving creature

She says hi to me in the most excited manner, says bye to me with the saddest face hoping I'd stay awhile longer, entertains me like I'm her world.

I remember waking up one morning to the sound of barking coming from inside the house, I got confused and woke my sister up. She ran down to check and ran back up to tell me to get my butt downstairs so I did, and there this brown lil creature was walking in circles so intrigued by strangers who kept touching her and feeding her. That was the most exciting part when we just got her, watching her eat her food off our hands. We fell in love with that brown lil baby so immediately. 

Now, let me just tell you about what a fighter this lil bitch was. No, she didn't have any illness or whatsoever. Yes, she was lucky in the end but there was once upon a time where a couple so cruelly left this lil puppy tied in the hot sun at the fire extinguisher when they left to work where she'd have to untie herself to go wandering around for shelter. Who knows what she went through. One day, a kind lady picked her up and went to the owners only to find out that they didn't want her anymore (when i found out, all I could think of was WHY). So this lady asked my mom if she wanted to take the poor abandoned puppy in and for some reason god heard my pleas and my mother brought her home. A while later, we found out she got pregnant while she was still on the streets so we brought her to the vet to get them removed as she was too small to give birth to those babies. (some huge ass dog raped her opps)

She was like any other puppy; Mischievous, curious, needed to be spoiled. We got mad at her sometimes but she wins us over again and again. Yes, she ruined our shoes and doors... even my school shoes! But I can only get pissed at her for like what 30 seconds? She'd find her way home whenever she went out on her own which made us less worried! She's the most adorable thing who looks at you as if she understands what you're saying. Sometimes I'd talk to her when I'm sad and she'd just lick me and lean on me, like hello you understand???? She would ask me for food when she's hungry, no really I'm not being crazy she really does! She's so comfortable with us that she'd let us do anything with her and she'd sleep so soundly on her mat! She absolutely hates thunder and fireworks and somehow I feel the need to make her feel better so I'd pat her until she falls asleep during the thunderstorm, kind of like her thunder buddy.

We adore her and she adores us. Watching her sleep has got to be one of the most soothing thing ever. She looks so calm and adorable! She hates letting us take photos of her so she'd look away whenever I take my phone out hahah! Oh, did I mention that she never peed or pooped out of the patch of grass that we have? Yep, she's weird, she can only pee and poop on grass! Even at 10 human years old, she still acts like a lil puppy when she sees us!

Everyone thinks they have the best dog and none of them are wrong - W.R. Puerto 

Lately she's gotten old, and it makes me worry how would I possibly be okay with ever losing her. I had her since I was 10, I've practically had her for half of my life! It's true when they say that your dog will treat you like their world. Do you look at your dog and wonder how did you ever get so lucky? I do.

We made her a choker ahahah!

Lots of love, xx

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